Best 13 Succulent Plants With Orange Flowers 2024 (2024)

Last updated on August 26th, 2023 at 05:09 am

Succulent plants with orange flowers can be a stunning addition to any indoor or outdoor space, bringing joy and happiness with their vibrant color. By carefully considering the shape you want to give the flower, you can create a beautiful and harmonious arrangement.

Best 13 Succulent Plants With Orange Flowers 2024 (1)

The 13 most gorgeous succulents with orange flowers

Here are our favorite 13 succulents with orange flowers:

  • Orange Snowball
  • Peanut Cactus
  • Aloe marlothii (Mountain Aloe)
  • Echeveria “Doris Taylor” (Woolly Rose)
  • Rebutia Fiebrigii “Crown Cactus”
  • Bitter Aloe (Aloe Ferox)
  • Echeveria “Orange Monroe”
  • Sedum Nussbaumerianum “Coppertone Stonecrop”
  • Orange Flaming Katy (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana “Orange”)
  • Compass Barrel Cactus (Ferocactus cylindraceus)
  • Orange Ice Plant (Lampranthus aurantiacus)
  • Bear Paw (Cotyledon Tomentosa)
  • Cleistocactus icosagonus

1. Orange snowball (Rebutia Muscula)

The Orange Snowball (Rebutia muscula) is a small cactus from Bolivia. It grows like a ball and has beautiful orange flowers that appear in the springtime, surrounded by fuzzy white, soft hair. This cactus is easy to care for and needs bright, indirect light to be watered consistently, but only when the soil is arid.

Best 13 Succulent Plants With Orange Flowers 2024 (2)

This plant is a famous, easy-to-grow cactus with bright orange-red blooms from April to June. It has pale green stems covered in dense, wooly white spines that protect it from extreme cold and scorching sunlight. This thing grows up to 6 inches (15 cm) in diameter, and with age, it produces offsets.

It is a great option for those looking for an attractive, easy-to-care-for indoor succulent. It’s fuzzy white, soft hair, and bright orange flowers provide a beautiful contrast, making it a unique and eye-catching addition to any home.

SpecificationsOrange Snowball (Rebutia muscula)
Height6 inches (15 cm)
Width1.6 inches (4 cm)
Speed of GrowthSlow
Color of LeavesPale green
Water RequirementModerate, only when soil is dry
Sun RequirementPrefers bright, indirect light but can tolerate some direct sun
Temperature RequirementCan tolerate temperatures as low as 0°F (-17°C) and as high as 90°F (32°C)

2. Peanut cactus (Echinopsis Chamaecereus)

The Peanut Cactus (Echinopsis chamaecereus) is a small and low-growing cactus from Bolivia, the shape of the stems resembling a peanut. The cactus produces beautiful orange flowers with red tips in late spring or summer, making for an impressive display. It is a slow-growing plant and can reach up to six inches tall if left unpruned. It has a trailing habit, with offsets making it great for hanging baskets and other containers, and it is easy to propagate with the offsets.

Best 13 Succulent Plants With Orange Flowers 2024 (3)

What makes this cactus unique is its beautiful blooms. The orange flowers are much more prominent than the size of the plant, adding a unique beauty to their appearance. The cactus also needs less care than other types of cactus, making it an ideal choice for those just starting with cacti and succulents. The Peanut Cactus is a great choice for those looking to add succulents with orange flowers to their home.

Regarding care, the Peanut Cactus requires bright, indirect light and should be watered infrequently, allowing the soil to dry out completely between watering sessions. Consider its temperature and humidity requirements to get the best out of this cactus. The Peanut Cactus is hardy and can withstand a temperature range of 50-90 degrees Fahrenheit.

Specifications Peanut Cactus
HeightUp to 6 inches
Width12 inches
Speed of GrowthSlow
Leaf ColorPale green
Water RequirementInfrequent
Sun RequirementBright, indirect light
Temperature Requirement50-90°F (10-32°C)

3. Aloe marlothii (Mountain Aloe)

Aloe Marlothii, commonly known as Mountain Aloe, is a succulent native to South Africa. It is a majestic plant that can reach up to 10 feet (3 meters) in height and is characterized by thick and fleshy leaves featuring sharp teeth along their margins. This Aloe species produces beautiful orange and yellow flowers in long racemes or clusters at the tips of the stems and blooms during summer and fall. It is a great plant in the garden, as it is pretty easy to maintain and care for.

Best 13 Succulent Plants With Orange Flowers 2024 (4)

To grow Aloe marlothii, it’s best to have it in an area with full sun, although partial shade is also okay. Ensure to water moderately, allowing the soil to dry completely before the next watering session. This plant can also adapt to a wide range of temperatures, from a low of 0°C (32°F) to a high of 30°C (86°F). Additionally, it’s a fast-growing plant that reaches its maximum height within a few years.

It is indeed a unique succulent with many desirable characteristics. It is beautiful and easy to care for, and its orange flowers make it a great addition to any garden. It is an excellent option for those looking for a low-maintenance plant to bring a splash of color and life to their garden.

SpecificationsAloe marlothii (Mountain Aloe)
HeightUp to 10 feet (3 meters)
Width4 – 6 feet
Speed of GrowthFast-growing
Color of LeavesGrayish-green
Water RequirementModerate, when soil is dry
Sun RequirementFull sun
Temperature Range0°C (32°F) to 30°C (86°F)

4. Echeveria “Doris Taylor” (Woolly Rose)

The Echeveria ‘Doris Taylor’ (Woolly Rose) is a unique and beautiful succulent perfect for adding a touch of whimsy to any garden. Its bright orange flowers contrast the fuzzy, pale green rosette and dark leaf tips. The plant grows at a slow to medium pace and is compact, with the rosette reaching around 7 to 8 inches (18-20 cm.) in diameter and 3 to 5 inches (7.6-13 cm.) tall. The orange blooms appear on 8- to 10-inch (20-25 cm.) long stems and last throughout late spring and summer.

Best 13 Succulent Plants With Orange Flowers 2024 (5)

Caring for the Echeveria ‘Doris Taylor’ is easy and requires little upkeep. It thrives best in bright, indirect light and moderately moist soil, allowing it to dry completely between watering sessions. Trim the stems once the flowering has finished. It also does well in pots, hanging baskets, and temperatures between 9-11 degrees Celsius.

This succulent with orange flower is truly unique and special. Not only does it have beautiful orange flowers, but it also has a fuzzy white covering resembling wool, making it stand out from the rest. Its size and speed of growth are perfect for planting in containers, and its hardy nature means it can withstand some neglect. This makes it an ideal plant for gardeners of all levels!

NameEcheveria ‘Doris Taylor’ (Woolly Rose)
Height7-8 inches (18-20 cm.)
Width3-5 inches (7.6-13 cm.)
Speed of GrowthSlow to Medium
Color of LeavesPale Green
Water RequirementModerately Moist
Sun RequirementBright Indirect Sun
Temperature Requirement9-11 Degrees Celsius

5. Rebutia Fiebrigii “Crown Cactus”

The Crown Cactus (Rebutia fiebrigii) is an ornamental cactus native to Mexico, Guatemala, and El Salvador. This popular houseplant grows to a height of 4 inches and has yellow flowers that resemble miniature crowns. It is known for its colorful orange and red flowers that appear in late spring and last into the summer. Not only is the Orange Crown Cactus eye-catching, but it is also low-maintenance. It prefers direct sunlight and should be moderately watered, allowing the soil to dry completely between watering sessions.

Best 13 Succulent Plants With Orange Flowers 2024 (6)

This is an excellent plant for growing indoors and outdoors. It can withstand a variety of temperatures and requires very little care. The cactus grows in an attractive, round shape and is covered with sharp spines that give it a unique look. The beautiful orange and red flowers add even more interest to the Crown Cactus and are a great way to brighten up any space.

It is also a great choice for container gardening. It’s small size and low-maintenance requirements make it an easy-to-care-for houseplant. It can easily be placed in a pot and moved around as needed. The bright orange flowers will make any outdoor space look beautiful and vibrant.

SpecificationRebutia Fiebrigii “Crown Cactus”
Height4 inches
Width4 inches
Speed of GrowthSlow
Color of LeavesGreen
Water RequirementModerate
Sun RequirementFull Sun
Temperature Requirement10-20°C

6. Bitter Aloe (Aloe Ferox)

The Bitter Aloe, also known as Aloe ferox, is famous for succulent lovers due to its bright orange flowers. Native to South Africa, this plant is an imposing species that resembles an agave or century plant. It grows up to 6-9 feet tall and 3-5 feet wide, with thick, fleshy leaves containing a gel in cosmetic products, herbal remedies, and supplements. This impressive succulent blooms with spectacular plumes of bright orange flowers during the spring and summer.

Best 13 Succulent Plants With Orange Flowers 2024 (7)

This is an excellent choice for novice plant parents due to its low maintenance and ability to thrive in harsh conditions. It is a slow-growing plant but will eventually reach up to 10 feet tall, with green and white spotted leaves and sharp teeth along its edges. This succulent prefers full sun but can also tolerate some light shade and requires moderate water, with the soil wholly dried out between each watering session. It can tolerate temperatures as low as 25 degrees, making it an ideal choice for outdoor gardens.

With its impressive orange and yellow flowers that are quite striking and attract plenty of nectar-loving birds and insects, Bitter Aloe is unique. It is also known for its medicinal and cosmetic uses, with its gel-like substance containing aloin, a bitter-tasting substance. This has made it a popular choice among those who love succulents.

Below is a table with information about the height, width, speed of growth, color of leaves, water requirement, sun requirement, and temperature requirement of Bitter Aloe (Aloe Ferox):

SpecificationBitter Aloe (Aloe Ferox)
Height6 – 10 feet
Width3 -5 feet
Speed of GrowthSlow
Color of LeavesGreen, tinged with white spots
Water RequirementModerate
Sun RequirementFull Sun
Temperature Requirement25° or higher

7. Echeveria “Orange Monroe”

The Echeveria ‘Orange Monroe’ is a beautiful succulent with orange flowers. It is ideal for those with a small space who want to decorate with a lovely orange succulent. It has a modest, compact structure formed by a tight rosette of silver-blue foliage. The plant can gain hints of deep yellow and orange tones if exposed to strong sunlight, making it even more vibrant and brilliant. As it’s easy to grow, anyone can enjoy this gorgeous succulent.

Best 13 Succulent Plants With Orange Flowers 2024 (8)

Caring for the Echeveria ‘Orange Monroe’ is relatively straightforward. It should not be overwatered and should be planted in soil that drains well to prevent root rot and fungal illnesses. As the plant grows, it’s important to remove the dead leaves that accumulate at the base of the plant to prevent pest infestations.

Propagating the Echeveria ‘Orange Monroe’ is straightforward. All you need to do is take a leaf cutting from the mother plant, wait for it to form a callus, and then plant it in an appropriate potting mix. This is a great way to have multiple plants at home.

The following table shows the characteristics of the Echeveria ‘Orange Monroe’:

SpecificationEcheveria “Orange Monroe”
Height2-4 inches
Width2-4 inches
Speed of GrowthModerate
Color of LeavesSilver-blue with hints of deep yellow and orange tones
Water RequirementOccasional, never overwater
Sun RequirementPrefers bright light temperature temperature

8. Sedum Nussbaumerianum “Coppertone Stonecrop”

The Sedum Nussbaumerianum “Coppertone Stonecrop” is a native to Mexico succulent with orange flower which can reach heights of 8 inches and spread 2-3 feet wide once it reaches maturity. It has thick, plumpy leaves that change in color depending on how much light it is exposed to. If exposed to minimal light, it will take on a yellow-to-green color, whereas if direct sunlight is present, it will take on a coppery-orange hue. It produces unique star-shaped stems and clusters of small white flowers in the summertime.

Best 13 Succulent Plants With Orange Flowers 2024 (9)

If you’re looking for a ground cover option, Coppertone Stonecrop is an excellent choice due to its vibrant appearance and spread. It is easy to maintain; however, it is important not to overwater it as this can lead to rotting. You should also keep it in an area with good drainage and always maintain appropriate temperature and sun requirements.

This plant is unique due to its stunning color variations and star-shaped stems. It is also non-toxic, so it is great for animal lovers. It is an excellent choice for indoor and outdoor growth and can be used for various purposes.

SpecificationSedum Nussbaumerianum
Height8 Inches
Width2-3 Feet
Speed of GrowthModerate
Color of LeavesYellow-to-green or coppery-orange
Water RequirementLow
Sun RequirementBright Sunlight
Temperature RequirementUSDA Hardiness Zone 9

9. Orange Flaming Katy (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana “Orange”)

The Orange Flaming Katy (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana ‘Orange’) is a stunning and unique succulent with orange flowers that can bring great joy to any home. It is native to Madagascar, where it thrives in bright indirect light. It has large, waxy green leaves and clusters of tiny orange flowers with a rosette petal formation. Deadheading will encourage the plant to produce more flowers, and it can continue to bloom during other seasons if well cared for.

Best 13 Succulent Plants With Orange Flowers 2024 (10)

It is a relatively easy plant to care for and does not require much maintenance. It prefers bright, indirect light but appreciates occasional direct sunlight. It should be watered moderately, and the soil should dry out completely between watering sessions. This plant can survive in temperatures between 9-11 zones and is a great choice for anyone looking for a low-maintenance but vibrant succulent.

The unique thing about the Orange Flaming Katy is the longevity of its blooms. This succulent with orange flower is known for its abundance of colorful flowers that can last for months, making it a great addition to any home. The bright orange color of the flowers stands out against the deep green of the leaves, making it a great conversation piece and a beautiful addition to any home.

SpecificationOrange Flaming Katy
Height12 inches
Width12 inches
Speed of GrowthSlow
Leaf ColorDeep Green
Water RequirementModerate
Sun RequirementBright Indirect Light
Temperature Requirement9-11 Zones

10. Compass Barrel Cactus (Ferocactus cylindraceus)

The Compass Barrel Cactus (Ferocactus cylindraceus) is a remarkable cactus native to the southwestern United States and Mexico. It gets its name because it usually grows in a south-facing orientation as if pointing toward a compass. This cactus can grow up to 6.6 feet tall, with a diameter of 1-2 feet, and has a green to blue-green color, with sharp spines that cover its ribs. During the summertime, the Compass Barrel Cactus produces beautiful bright orange flowers that rise flush on the cactus’ trunk.

Best 13 Succulent Plants With Orange Flowers 2024 (11)

This cactus is the perfect choice for gardeners looking for a low-maintenance, hardy succulent with orange flowers. It can tolerate a wide range of conditions but does prefer direct sunlight. Watering should also be moderated, as overwatering can lead to rotting. It is important to note that the Compass Barrel Cactus has been an endangered species since 1979, with only 25 specimens left in the wild.

The Compass Barrel Cactus is an incredible plant that is perfect for adding a touch of color to any garden. It is low-maintenance and hardy, making it an ideal choice for gardeners. Below is a table that outlines some of the essential information about the Compass Barrel Cactus:

SpecificationCompass Barrel Cactus (Ferocactus cylindraceus)
HeightUp to 8 feet tall
WidthUp to 2 feet wide
Speed of GrowthSlow
Color of LeavesGreen to blue-green
Water RequirementModerate (Allow soil to dry out between watering)
Sun RequirementFull sun
Temperature RequirementUSDA Growing Zone 9-11

11. Orange Ice Plant (Lampranthus aurantiacus)

The Orange Ice Plant (Lampranthus aurantiacus) is a stunning succulent native to South Africa. It boasts stunning, bright orange flowers with a yellow center that adds stunning and eye-catching color to any garden. This incredibly hardy and versatile plant makes it an excellent choice for indoor and outdoor gardens. The Orange Ice Plant is a fast-growing plant that, with the right care and maintenance, can produce a beautiful display of flowers year-round.

Best 13 Succulent Plants With Orange Flowers 2024 (12)

For a low-maintenance plant that can survive in colder climates, Orange Ice Plant is one if the best succlents. It prefers sandy, well-draining soil and total sun exposure for optimal growth. It is cold hardy and can withstand freezing temperatures, making it an excellent choice for colder climates. It is also highly drought tolerant and can survive with minimal water and regular pruning, making it an ideal plant for those who don’t want to worry about over-watering.

It is a unique and beautiful addition to any garden. Its bright orange flowers are sure to attract attention, and the low-maintenance care requirements make it an excellent choice for those looking for a hardy, low-maintenance plant. Its fast-growing nature and beautiful display of flowers make it a great choice for novice and experienced gardeners alike.

SpecificationOrange Ice Plant (Lampranthus aurantiacus)
Height12-14 inches
Width5-6 feet
Speed of GrowthFast
Color of LeavesGreen
Water RequirementLow
Sun RequirementFull Sun
Temperature RequirementCold Hardy, Tolerates Freezing Temperatures

12. Bear Paw (Cotyledon Tomentosa)

The Bear Paw (Cotyledon tomentosa) is a beautiful succulent with dark red edges and bright orange-red flowers. Unlike other succulents, it loves shaded regions and can tolerate partial sun exposure. It is a low-growing cactus that can only grow up to 12 inches tall and 24 inches wide, making it the perfect indoor succulent. This cultivar has thick and fuzzy green leaves with teeth on the ends, named ‘Bear Paw.’ Every fall, it blooms bell-shaped orange flowers.

Best 13 Succulent Plants With Orange Flowers 2024 (13)

What makes this succulent unique is its downy covering that adorns the leaves, blossoms, and stems. This makes the Bear Paw (Cotyledon tomentosa) incredibly soft to the touch, almost like a young animal’s paw. Furthermore, its low-growing nature makes it suitable for small spaces and perfect for growing indoors.

This plant is also relatively easy to maintain if the conditions are met. It requires well-draining soil, occasional watering, partial sun exposure, and temperatures between 9-11 USDA Growing Zone. With the right amount of care and attention, this succulent will grace your home or garden with its unique beauty.

SpecificationBear Paw (Cotyledon Tomentosa)
HeightUp to 12 inches tall
WidthUp to 24 inches wide
Growth SpeedSlow
Leaf ColorGreen
Water RequirementOccasional
Sun RequirementPartial
Temperature Requirement9-11 USDA Growing Zone

13. Cleistocactus icosagonus (Icosagonus)

The Cleistocactus icosagonus (Icosagonus) is a unique and beautiful cactus native to South Ecuador and northern Peru. It is a relatively small cactus, growing to a maximum height of 6 inches, and is densely covered in glistening yellow spines. In addition to giving the cactus an exciting and unusual look, the spines crowd out the stem, making it hard to determine what’s happening underneath. The Cleistocactus icosagonus (Icosagonus) flowers are one of its most distinguishing features – they come in red, pink, and orange shades. They are relatively large for the size of the cactus.

Best 13 Succulent Plants With Orange Flowers 2024 (14)

This is a great specie to grow in gardens, as it is a hardy succulent and can tolerate many conditions. It does best in full sun and should be watered moderately, allowing the soil to dry out between watering sessions. The cactus also begins blooming in the summer and can produce flowers continuously through fall.

What makes the Cleistocactus icosagonus (Icosagonus) unique is its long, finger-like stems and its bright orange flowers. It’s an eye-catching addition to any garden; its cluster creates a stunning visual effect.

SpecificationCleistocactus icosagonus
HeightUp to 2 feet
WidthUp to 5 inches
Speed of GrowthSlow
Color of LeavesYellow
Water RequirementModerate
Sun RequirementFull Sun
Temperature RequirementWarm

What are the benefits of having orange flowering succulents?

Here are the following benefits of having orange flowering succulents:

1. They are eye-catching and beautiful

Orange flowering succulents are among the most attractive and beneficial additions to any home or garden. Their vibrant colors, ranging from sunny yellow to deep red, make them an eye-catching and beautiful addition to any space. These succulents are aesthetically pleasing and can also be used indoors and outdoors to bring life and brightness to the environment.

The orange-hued flowers of these succulents are a unique and special type of decoration that will bring a touch of elegance and warmth to any setting.

2. They add a lot of color to any room

Having orange flowering succulents is one of the best benefits to brighten any space. The vibrant, sunny hue of the orange flowers immediately adds energy and life to any room. The power of orange flowers is such that they can induce enthusiasm and excitement for life, bringing a sense of adventure and spontaneity. This is especially great for those looking to lift their spirits and bring more creativity and passion back into their lives.

Succulents are also a low-maintenance option for anyone who wants to enjoy the beauty of nature without worrying about fussing too much over a plant. Not only are they readily available in unique shapes and sizes, but they also require minimal effort to maintain. Plus, succulents are inexpensive and difficult to kill, making them an excellent choice for people looking to add color and life to their homes.

3. They are hardy and will survive in different environments

One of the benefits of having orange flowering succulents is that they are hardy and will survive in different environments. This is due to their low maintenance and water requirements, making them ideal for indoor and outdoor spaces. As they are drought-tolerant and able to tolerate most climates, they are perfect for landscaping and can easily be used in flower beds or rock gardens to bring stunning pops of color to any garden.

Additionally, due to their slow growth rate and tendency to stay small, these plants are perfect for gardening and can add a vibrant pop of color to any room or outdoor space.

4. They can be planted in a variety of containers

The beauty of orange flowering succulents lies in their versatility, as they can be planted in various indoor and outdoor containers. These succulents are highly adaptable and can flourish in flower beds, rock gardens, containers, and various landscaping designs. Additionally, they have become increasingly popular due to their ability to add beauty and life to any environment.

5. They can be propagated easily

The presence of orange-colored flowering succulents can be a considerable advantage for gardeners wanting to brighten up their gardens.One of the significant advantages of these orange flowers is that they are easily propagated.Propagating succulents involves cuttings from the plant, which are then used to grow new plants.This is an excellent method to expand your collection without purchasing new plants.

The propagation process requires minimal effort and takes only a few minutes.This makes it a good option for gardeners with busy schedules who do not have the time to wait for the new plant to develop.With their vibrant and striking bright orange flowers, These succulents will instantly brighten any room and provide unique energy.

What to consider when choosing an orange flowering succulent?

Here are the things to consider when choosing an orange-flowered succulent:

1. Sun exposure

Sun exposure is an essential factor when choosing an orange flowering succulent. These plants need plenty of sunshine to thrive and produce beautiful blooms. In the right conditions, these succulents can add stunning pops of color to your garden. Outdoors perform landscaping purposes, as they need plenty of sun exposure to flourish.

Indoors, they can also thrive, although they require a sunny window to get the light they need. With the right amount of sun, succulents with orange flowers can bring a bright and cheerful atmosphere to your home or garden.

2. Height

Height is one of the main factors when choosing succulents with orange flowers. Different succulents have different heights, so it is essential to consider the space you have available and the look you want to achieve. Taller succulents can make a dramatic statement in your garden, while shorter succulents can fill in gaps in beds or flower arrangements.

For example, the Kalanchoe blossfeldiana “Orange” can grow up to six feet tall and make a bold statement in your garden. At the same time, Sedum, a dolphin Golden Sedum is a smaller plant that only grows up to 8 inches long and is perfect for filling in gaps in flower arrangements.

3. Growth pattern

Picking a succulent blooming orange, it’s crucial to consider its growth patterns. It should be looked at. The Kalanchoe blossfeldiana “Orange” is an example of a succulent that can grow into a tall shrub, reaching up to six feet. Its thick and glossy leaves are dark green with red edges, blooming with fragrant orange flowers from summer to fall.

The plant’s branches are also covered in fine hairs or small spines that the foliage can hide. Knowing the growth pattern of the plant that you choose is important in ensuring that it will fit in your desired space and will thrive in the environment.

4. Leaf shape

Leaf shape is a key aspect when selecting an orange-colored succulent flower because it affects the overall appearance, development, and health of the plant.For instance, this Bear Paw succulent has thick and fuzzy leaves with teeth along the edges, giving it an unusual appearance and making it a low-growing plant, ideal for indoor areas.

The other side of the Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana “Orange” has glossy, dark green leaves with red edges arranged on the branches’ ends and helps create an intriguing texture and contrast in color.The spines on the succulent stems provide exciting textures and contrast nicely with the bright orange flowers.These features can create a stunning, healthful addition to your home.

5. Blooming season

Considering the blooming season in certain seasons is essential to take advantage of ideal temperatures and other environmental factors. For example, the Kalanchoe blossfeldiana “Orange” is a succulent that blooms in the summer and fall. This succulent needs plenty of sun and sunsets during the warmer months.

On the other hand, the Orange Flaming Katy is a succulent that blooms in the spring and summer. In this case, the succulent can use the warm weather to produce orange flowers. It is essential to consider the blooming season to ensure that the succulent can thrive and produce beautiful orange blooms.

6. Flower spikes

Flower spikes are a great choice when selecting an orange flowering succulent, as they offer a visually striking display and attract hummingbirds and pollinators. The vibrant petals of the orange blossoms will add a stunning pop of color to any garden or arrangement, while the yellow stamens of the flowers provide an interesting contrast.

It usually arises in late spring or early summer and can bring life to an otherwise dull landscape. Additionally, these succulents are low maintenance, which makes them ideal for those without the time or patience to care for more finicky plants.

7. Foliage color

Foliage color is an essential factor when choosing an orange flowering succulent. Not only will the foliage add to the overall aesthetic of a garden or arrangement, but it will also help to enhance the beauty of the orange blooms. For example, a succulent with deep green foliage can provide a striking contrast to an orange bloom and help to draw attention to it.

However, light yellow foliage can give a softer, subtle appearance.Furthermore, the color of foliage can impact the health of the plant by shielding it from harmful UV ultraviolet rays.When choosing an orange flowering succulent, it’s important to consider the color of the foliage.

8. Flower shape

Its shape is an important element when picking the right succulent with a flowering orange.The design of the plant could attract attention and create different feelings.Since orange flowers symbolize passion and excitement, It is important to select an arrangement that reflects these qualities.To add a touch of orange, a succulent with an older-style flower, such as a daisy or tulip, could be an excellent choice.

For a more striking design, a succulent with an unusual flower shape, like an oblong or heart, can create a dramatic impact.The distinctive designs and textures of succulents are also a great way to add visual attraction to your garden or indoor area, making them attractive.

9. Bloom time

The bloom timing is vital when selecting an orange-blooming succulent to plant in your yard or home.It depends on the time of the year and the climate where you reside, you might require a plant that blooms in the warmer seasons or blooms in the cooler seasons.As an example, it is the Orange Flaming Katy is a famous orange blooming that blooms during winter.This is why it’s perfect for gardeners living in warmer climates that want to take pleasure in the beautiful orange blossoms in winter.

Certain succulents, such as Prickly Pear, Peanut Cactus, and Prickly Pear, are perfect for gardeners living who live in cooler climates as they bloom in the warm months.If you consider the timing of bloom when picking an orange flower-producing succulent, it is possible to make sure that you select the right succulent to thrive in your area and bloom when you wish it to.


Here are some frequently asked questions regarding succulents with orange flowers:

What are the most popular succulents with orange flowers?

There are many varieties of features blooms, including Bitter Aloe, Candelabra Aloe, and Cleistocactus Icosagonus. These succulents are easy to maintain and require minimal attention, making them perfect for a sunny spot or floral arrangement. Bitter Aloe is a trailing plant with orange-blooming flowers, while Candelabra Aloe produces long, arching orange blossoms. Cleistocactus Icosagonus produces clusters of small orange flowers and is ideal for rock gardens.

Other succulents with orange blooms include Lobivia Jajoiana, Mountain Aloe, Orange Crown Cactus, Orange Flaming Katy, Orange Ice Plant, Orange Snowball, Peanut Cactus, Prickly Pear, Red Echeveria, and Woolly Rose. With so many options, you’ll surely find the perfect succulent for your home and garden!

What succulent has small yellow and orange flowers?

Succulents with small yellow and orange flowers are rare but can be found with effort. Some notable varieties include Orange Snowball (Rebutia muscula), Orange Flaming Katy (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana“Orange”), and Echeveria ‘Doris Taylor’ (Woolly Rose). The Orange Snowball succulent is a striking plant with long, flat stems covered in spines.

In late spring, many varieties feature orange flowers with yellow stamens. The Orange Flaming Katy is a low-growing succulent that produces clusters of small, yellow-orange flowers in the summer. Echeveria ‘Doris Taylor’ is a striking rosette-forming succulent with yellow and orange flowers. All these succulents are easy to care for and are great for adding a bit of beauty to any setting.

What is a cactus with orange flowers called?

The Crown Cactus (Opuntia monacantha) is a prickly pear cactus with vibrant orange blooms that spread to a height of 15 cm, capped off with white, short, silky spines. This cactus is native to Bolivia and an ideal indoor plant, requiring only moderate watering.

Other orange-flowering cacti include the Staghorn Cactus (Echinocactus grusonii), which can grow up to 1 meter tall and produce beautiful clusters of orange flowers, and the large and slow-growing Golden Barrel Cactus (Echinocactus grusonii), which can reach up to 5 feet in height and produces bright yellow, orange, to red flowers. These cacti make good additions to any garden, whether indoors or outdoors, providing a splash of color and attracting pollinators.

Are there orange succulents?

Numerous succulents with orange flower are a great way to liven up any garden or floral arrangement. From the Bitter Aloe to the Woolly Rose, these orange-blooming succulents come in all shades, sizes, and shapes. Some of the most popular succulent with orange flower are the Candelabra Aloe, Cleistocactus Icosagonus, Lobivia Jajoiana, Mountain Aloe, Orange Crown Cactus, Orange Flaming Katy, Orange Ice Plant, Orange Snowball, Peanut Cactus, Prickly Pear, and Red Echeveria.

It’s important to remember the specific care tips for these succulents, as they require plenty of sunlight, good air circulation, and occasional watering. These succulents will keep their beautiful orange blooms with the proper care for many years.


Succulents with orange flowers can be a gorgeous and distinctive design for your house or garden.The vibrantly colored succulents can lighten up any room, creating an eye-catching and unique space.With 13 varieties of succulents with orange flowers, something will suit every style and style.Whether you’re an avid succulent lover or simply searching for something different for your garden, these kinds of succulents with orange flowers will make a fantastic addition and create a stunning visual impact.

Best 13 Succulent Plants With Orange Flowers 2024 (15)

Ashleigh Evans

Ashleigh Evans is a vibrant and passionate gardening blog writer whose adoration for all things green extends far beyond the digital realm. With boundless enthusiasm and a creative spirit, Ashleigh has cultivated a life deeply intertwined with gardening, both within her blog and in her everyday experiences.

Best 13 Succulent Plants With Orange Flowers 2024 (2024)


What succulent has orange flowers? ›

Scientific Name: Kalanchoe blossfeldiana 'Orange;'

Flaming Katy, also known as Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana – is a prolific bloomer that thrives with lots of bright indirect sunlight. This succulent has large, waxy, bright green leaves and clusters of tiny, orange flowers with a rosette petal formation.

What is the name of the plant with orange flowers? ›

Usher in spring with the dazzling glow of orange-blooming Oriental poppies. Add sizzle to the summer garden with orange zinnias and marigolds. And celebrate the warm colors of fall with container plantings of orange pansies or mums.

What cactus or aloe vera plant has orange flowers? ›

Aloe arborescens (Torch Aloe)

In winter, the plant produces tall, conical flower spikes in vibrant shades of red or orange, adding a burst of color to the garden.

What succulent plant has yellow and orange flowers? ›

Echeveria Derenbergii – Yellow Orange Flowering Succulent.

Which cactus has orange flowers? ›

Cleistocactus (Cleistocactus icosagonus): Cleistocactus is a type of tall, columnar cactus with shiny golden spines. If conditions are just right, Cleistocactus provides interesting lipstick-shaped blooms of bright orange red.

What is the prettiest orange flower? ›

Top 15 Favorite Orange Flowers
  • Helenium 'Mardi Gras' ...
  • Abutilon 'Tiger Eyes' ...
  • Papaver orientale 'Allegro' (Oriental Poppy) ...
  • Angel Trumpet (brugmansia sanguinea) ...
  • Orange Siberian Globeflower (trollius ircuticus) ...
  • Lion's Tail (leonotis leonurus) ...
  • Gopher Spurge (euphorbia griffithii 'Fireglow' ) ...
  • Red Hot Pokers (kniphofia uvarias)

What shrub has orange flowers in spring? ›

Shop our range of shrubs with orange flowers, including berberis, buddleia, hamamelis, mahonia and potentilla. Orange blooms are useful for bringing a sense of warmth to your beds, borders and containers, without quite the same sometimes overbearing intensity of reds and yellows.

What bush has clusters of orange flowers? ›

Orange Bells is a broadleaf evergreen shrub that has clusters of bright orange trumpet-shaped flowers. The flowers are present from late spring until the first frost. The flowers bloom all year round in warmer climates. The shrub grows from 10 to 15 feet tall and 8 to 10 feet wide.

What is the hardest succulent to keep alive? ›

Compton Carousels and Silver Prince are drop-dead gorgeous succulents, but they are some of the most difficult plants to care for. Add a price tag of $20 - $60 for a 2-inch or 4-inch per succulent AND a novice succulent grower - that's a recipe for disaster.

What is the most famous succulent? ›

Paddle plant is the most popular modern succulent due to its whimsical form and intense winter color. Its leaves are flat, like pancakes, layered into an odd rosette. This plant bolts when it blooms, with the center stem elongating into a gangly white stalk.

What is a very fast growing succulent? ›

Examples of Fast Growing Succulent Plants

Aloe vera, Aloe barbadensis, and Aloe arborescens are the fastest-growing in the Aloe family. These houseplants grow from two inches to six inches in just about a year. The String of Buttons or Crassula Perforata is one of the fast growing tall succulents.

What does the Bible say about Aloe? ›

In the Bible the plant was known as ahaloth and it was used as a perfuming agent: Nicodemus brought it mingled with myrrh, to embalm Jesus, "Nicodemus brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about seventy-five pounds. Taking Jesus' body, the two of them wrapped it, with the spices, in strips of linen.

What is the smelly succulent flower? ›

Stapelia gigantea is sometimes mistaken for a cactus, but it is a succulent. Its thick green stems grow in clumps up to 8 inches tall. S. gigantea's star-shaped, 5-petalled flower is over 9 inches in diameter, producing a foul odor that attracts flies for pollination.

What is the flower looking succulent called? ›

Kalanchoe is a pretty, sturdy plant with red, pink, orange, yellow or white flowers that last for weeks and weeks. It can be tough to get it to rebloom, so it's often treated as a gift plant and composted after the blooms fade. Give it bright light, and water when it feels mostly dry. SHOP KALANCHOE.

How do you care for an orange delight succulent? ›

Orange Delight enjoys lots of humidity. Provide humidity for your plant by watering regularly and thoroughly, since plants absorb most water through their root system rather than their leaves. They may also benefit from being placed next to a humidifier.

What does a kalanchoe succulent look like? ›

Appearance and characteristics of kalanchoe

It is a succulent, and its leaves are fleshy, usually glossy and bright green with a wavy or frilly edge. Some varieties may be red-tinged. The leaves are attractive, but it is the flowers that catch the eye. Dense heads of small blooms will completely smother the leaves.

How do you take care of a potted kalanchoe plant? ›

Grow in bright light indoors, and bright, filtered light or morning sun outdoors (summertime only). Plant kalanchoe in Miracle-Gro® Cactus, Palm & Citrus Potting Mix. Water when the top 2 inches of soil are dry. Feed kalanchoe with Miracle-Gro® Succulent Plant Food.

Which succulents have death blooms? ›

But reading this it's just a death bloom! I had no idea!!!!!” Succulents that produce monocarpic blooms include aeonium, sempervivum (also known as Hens and Chicks), agave, flapjack, and some species of echeveria.

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