Skip the Screens | Sanford Fit (2024)


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Key Message

Skip the screens and make a fitchoice!


  1. Identify “screen time” as time spent on electronic devices.
  2. Identify a minimum of 3 physical activity choices to replace screen time.
  3. Apply a variety of motor skills and movement patterns to station activities.


  • Safety: Allow enough space to move freely and minimize collisions.
  • Ensure equipment and materials are properly cleaned.
  • Determine boundaries that are a safe distance from obstacles and walls.
  • Determine how you will group learners, using best practice guidelines from theTeacher's Guide.
  • Set up cones and Skip the Screens Move Cards throughout the activity area (see Activity instructions and diagram.)
  • Be prepared to demonstrate fitBoostactivity and fitFlow yoga.
  • Share the Family Fun Jar Décor Kitwith families for fun activity ideas that families can do to replace screen time.

Warm Up

Begin with afitBoost.


Partner learners. Use guidelines in Teacher's Guide for options to set up partners. Learners stand on opposite sides of a line, approximately 10 to15 feet apart. Call out an action from the list below. Learners then walk (or teacher-selected locomotor movement) to the centerto meet their partner. After completing the action, each partner returns to their original place.

Say: Let’s talk about how we can move throughout the day!

  1. Meet your partner in the middle and tell them your favorite recess game, then do a right-handed high five or elbow bump and go back to your starting place.
  2. Meet your partner in the middle and tell them your favorite PE activity, then do a right-handed high five, and follow with a left-handed high five (or right and left elbow bumps).
  3. Meet your partner in the middle and tell them your favorite physical activity when you are not at school. Do a right-handed high five, and a left-handed high five, and a two-handed high five (or elbow bumps)!


You just told each other about ways you choose to be active. Did anyone mention a video game, TV, computer, or another form of screen time?

Screen time can interfere with physical activity. Today we are going to learn more about all the things we can do, instead of screen time, to move throughout the day.

The number one thing you need to know is that replacing screen time with physical activity will benefit your body and brain!

Let’s get moving!


Skip the Screens | Sanford Fit (4)

  1. Place a Skip the Screens Move Card underneath cones with throughout the activity area. Set up enough cones so learners work in pairs. Depending on the number of learners, you may have more than one cone for each activity:
  • Skip around the play area.
  • Go get a drink of water.
  • Bounce-pass a ball.
  • Jump rope (or jump over ropes).
  • Toss a beanbag.
  • Walk backward around the play area.
  • Toss and catch scarves.
  • Do a Hula-Hoop dance with your partner.
  • Do a yoga flow. (Include a fitFlow yoga card.)
  • Do a fitBoost. (Include a set of three fitBoost cards.)
  1. Play music. Learners mingle around the cones. When the music stops, they go to the nearest cone, only 2 people per cone.
  2. Play a round of Rock, Paper, Scissors. The person who doesn’t win flips the cone to reveal the task. Partners complete the task together.
  3. After 1 to 2 minutes, play music again to signal partners to high five or elbow bump one another, then begin to walk and mingle again.
  4. When the music stops, learners pair with a new partner and repeat the Rock, Paper, Scissors activity. Again, the person who doesn’t win flips the cone, and the partners complete the task.
  5. Continue play for allotted time.

Close the Lesson

  1. Partner learners.
  2. Select afitFlow card and complete poses.
  3. While stretching, ask learners to reflect on the many ways they moved during the activity. Point out that each activity was something they can do to replace screen time.

    Q:Today, I was a health helper who helped you learn about ways to replace screen time with healthy movement activities.Can you name some other health helpers that can help you make healthy choices?
    A: Trusted adults and professionals who can serve as health helpers. (e.g., family, teachers, PE teacher, counselor, school nurse, food service helpers, etc.).

    Q:What was our lesson about today?
    A: Replacing screen time with an activity.

    Q:Tell your partner 3 things you can do to replace screen time.
    A: Listen for examples of physical activities that can be easily done throughout the day.

  4. Use the Assessment Rubric (see Teacher's Guide) as a checklist toassess understanding, skill development, and personal responsibility.


Name 3 ways you will move today.

What You'll Need

  • fitGames Teacher's Guide - Printable
  • fitGames-Skip the Screens Move Cards - Printable
  • fitBoost Activity - Activity
  • fitFlow Activity - Activity
  • Family Fun Jar: Printable Activity Kit - Printable
  • Move ABCs Poster - Printable
  • Cones or Place Markers
  • Beanbags
  • Hula Hoops
  • Jump ropes
  • Balls of various sizes for throwing and catching

Health Education Standards

  • Standard 1: Core Concepts-Promoting physical activity
  • Standard 2: Analyze influences
  • Standard 6: Goal setting
  • Standard 7: Practice health-enhancing behaviors
  • Standard 8: Advocate for health

Social and Emotional Learning Competencies

  • Responsible Decision-Making

Physical Education Standards

  • Standard 1: Motor skills and movement patterns
  • Standard 3: Health-enhancing physical fitness
  • Standard 4: Responsible personal and social behavior
  • Standard 5: Value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, social interaction

Extend the Lesson

  • The fit lesson, Move Your Body, teaches kids about the importance of moving throughout the day.
  • Watch What Happens to Your Body when you Watch Screensto learn why move time is better for your body than screen time.
  • Print the Move ABCs Poster for fun ways to get some extra movement in your day.
  • ReadPhysical Activity Mattersto learn more about the benefits of physical activity for mental and emotional health.

Adaptations and Modifications

  • Adapt locomotor skills and movement patterns to learners' needs, interests, and abilities.
  • Modify game setup so that all children can participate.
  • Play afitWorkout video for activity warm up and cool down.
    • fitBoost Sport Moves3:30 min
    • Full Body Workout5:30 min
    • Jump Rope and Hula Hoop Workout5:00 min
    • Yoga Flow5:00 min

Take me to the full list offitGames.

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Skip the Screens | Sanford Fit (2024)
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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.