Flowers That Start With K (10 Great Options) - Petals And Hedges (2024)

Are you looking to turn your backyard into a homey botanical garden? Then, this post is for you! In it, you’ll find a list of 10 flowers that start with K.

With the right tools and a lot of tender, loving care, you can turn your drab yard into a lush landscape. You can even add some boxwood borders and fancy planting pots, and you can have your own garden-of-Eden right at your front door.

Even if you don’t have the proverbial green thumb, you’ll learn everything you need to grow healthy, happy plants right here in this post. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s do some gardening!

10 Flowers That Start With K

We went in search of flowers that start with the letter K and came up with so many varieties that we couldn’t fit them all in this list. So, we rounded up the 10 most common species.

Then, we did one better: we divided them up into annuals and perennials. Take a look.

5 Annual Flowers That Start With K

Annuals are the types of flowers that start growing in the springtime. Then, they continue to bloom for a long time, sometimes even up to the cooler fall months.

These flowers have a long blooming period. During this time, make sure you water them daily if they’re in direct sunlight. If they’re only getting partial or indirect light, you can water them every other day to avoid soil rot.

Because of their shallow roots, annual plants are great for growing in planters and flower pots. Just make sure you pick containers with openings in the base that provide good drainage.

Then, as the cold weather of winter rolls around, they start to wilt and die.

Here are five common flower species that begin with K.


Native to the tropical regions of Madagascar is the Kalanchoe ceratophylla flowering plant. This succulent-like plant produces vibrant clusters of flowers in deep shades of red, pink, yellow, and orange.

Flowers That Start With K (10 Great Options) - Petals And Hedges (1)

Kalanchoe plants are known for their high tolerance to varying weather and soil conditions. Also, since they’re annuals, their blossoms will appear in the spring and easily last well into the fall.

One of the interesting facts about the Kalanchoe is that it’s one of the first plants to be sent to space in 1979. Because of its ability to survive in indirect sunlight, it was chosen to be part of a resupply voyage to the Soviet Salyut 1 space station.


The name may be strange, but this is actually one of the most common flowering plants you’ll come across. Kiss-me-over-the-garden-gate, Persicaria orientalis, is native to China and other Asian countries with temperate climates.

The plant itself can grow to a height of 5–7 feet when mature. Its tender stems are slim and covered with soft, velvety fuzz.

The flowers are usually a shade of pinkish purple. Yet, they also come in varying hues of white, lavender, and red. No matter the color, these blooms are quick to self-seed, so if you don’t want them to spread, you’ll have to do some deadheading to remove the spent blossoms.

Kangaroo Paw

Kangaroo Paw, Anigozantho Manglesii, is a large-sized, bright-colored flowering plant. It blooms tubular-shaped blooms that appear in the spring and last well into fall.

These flowers thrive in direct sunlight as long as their soil stays moist and springs up when you touch up. They’re also quite tolerant of hot climates, making them more prevalent in tropical and subtropical regions.

Pollinators, such as bees, hummingbirds, and butterflies, can’t get enough of this plant. Even though it has no fragrance, they’re still attracted by the flower’s vibrant colors and sweet nectar.

Kolkwitzia Amabilis

Kolkwitzia Amabilis is often called the Beauty Bush because of the way its blooms flow like a beautiful waterfall. It’s native to the eastern parts of China and belongs to the honeysuckle family.

Flowers That Start With K (10 Great Options) - Petals And Hedges (2)

This flowering shrub can reach a maximum height of 10 feet. In the spring, it bears exquisite bell-shaped blooms that can be pink, white or both.

Experts recommend you prune your Kolkwitzia Amabilis shrubs near the end of winter or at the start of spring. It ensures that the new plant will grow strong and be able to produce hardy, exotic-looking flowers during the warmer months.

Knautia Arvensis

Knautia Arvensis is a flowering plant that attracts many pollinators, like flower flies, honey bees, bumblebees, and other insects. It’s a native of the northern parts of Europe, especially Britain.

The Knautia Arvensis flowers will usually start to appear during the mid-summer months. The plant can grow up to 39 inches, or about three feet, whereas the flower is about one inch wide.

It’s worth mentioning that this plant is typically classified as perennial. However, many expert gardeners treat it as annual as a way of managing this herbaceous weed and improving soil health.

5 Perennial Flowers That Start With K

Perennial flowers regrow each spring and typically live for more than two years. In general, perennials are low-maintenance, which is why they’re often recommended for beginners.

All they need is moist soil and moderate amounts of direct sunlight. Most perennials also need a low-nitrogen fertilizer to boost their growth.

Another thing worth mentioning is that perennials don’t enjoy getting water on the leaves. It tends to spread diseases and aphids much quicker. So, anytime you want to clean the foliage, simply wipe it off with a clean cloth.

However, the one drawback of planting perennials is that their blooming period is much shorter than annual flowers. Then, once you do the initial planting, they’ll do all the hard work when it’s time for new blossoms to appear.

King Protea

King Protea, aka Protea cynaroides, is a mighty-looking plant. With its lush foliage and brightly colored flowers, it’s managed to get itself named South Africa’s national flower.

The plant is vigorous and tough and can grow anywhere from 13 inches up to six feet. Since it’s a perennial, it can keep going strong year-round, but don’t expect flowers until the plant is about five years old.

Flowers That Start With K (10 Great Options) - Petals And Hedges (3)

After it matures, it’ll start bearing anywhere between six and 10 flower heads beginning in early spring until late fall. The flowers are typically large and come in varying shades of pink, crimson, and deep white.


The Kniphofia plant is tall, strong, and easy to care for. It comes in several varieties, depending mainly on the color of its blooms.

Whether your plant produces red, orange, cream, or yellow flowers, you can be sure it’ll be the one plant that stops everyone in their tracks. Because of their vibrant colors, Kniphofia flowers are also sometimes called ‘Torch Lilies’ and even ‘Red Hot Pokers.’

Nonetheless, their striking colors aren’t just for show. They’re meant to lure insects and hummingbirds in an effort to spread their pollen faster.

Kiwifruit Flowers

Yes, Kiwifruit flowers, Actinidia deliciosa, are part of the same plant that produces the Kiwi fruit. Native to China and other parts of eastern Asia, the Kiwi plant bears these exquisite, small pale white flowers.

You can start seeing the flowers appear in the spring, and they’ll continue to bloom until fall. Then, the flowers fall off, and the Kiwi fruits begin to grow in their place.

It’s worth mentioning, however, that sometimes, the plant can go for a couple of years before it starts bearing any flowers. Just make sure you provide it with all the right growing conditions it needs to thrive, and before you know it, you’ll be able to enjoy your sweet-smelling blooms.

Kalmia Latifolia

Also known as ‘mountain laurel,’ Kalmia Latifolia is a lush flowering bush that can reach up to 30 feet high. It typically starts bearing blooms in late May.

The blooms consist of flower clusters about six inches in diameter. Each bud opens up to form a breathtaking array of colors, ranging from creamy white to deep purple.

A fascinating fact is that these flowers have a springlike mechanism. It’s triggered whenever a butterfly or hummingbird comes anywhere near the stamens, thus helping spread pollen more efficiently.

Kaffir Lily

Kaffir Lily flowers, Clivia miniata, are native to South Africa. Nevertheless, you can also find them in other tropical regions, like New Zealand and southern parts of the United States.

The stems on these flowering plants can grow as high as 18 inches. Then, they produce clusters of 10–20 flowers in bright orange, yellow, or white.

You might have to wait a couple of years for them to bloom, however. Kaffir Lilies may be easy to grow and maintain, but they need a bit of patience when it comes to blossoming.

Wrap Up On Flowers That Start With K

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a newbie gardener just starting out, these 10 blooms are hardy and low-maintenance. Thanks to their bright, rich colors, they make terrific additions to any garden.

That’s why filling your space with flowers that start with K will turn your yard into a beautifully manicured lawn. Now, each time you step outside, you’ll be reminded of charming country cottages and fancy chateau gardens.

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Flowers That Start With K (10 Great Options) - Petals And Hedges (2024)
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