17 Fun Garden Crafts The Kids Will Love (2024)

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Getting the kids outside and into the garden can be an arduous task these days, often requiring an activity that nudges children away from their computers, tablets, and televisions. Yet, the garden can be a stimulating world for kids to explore. So, we have 17 excellent DIY garden crafts for kids that will surely have your children choosing the fresh air over the internet.

17 Fun Garden Crafts The Kids Will Love (1)

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DIY Garden Crafts for Kids

These easy crafts are designed for kids to explore the outside, interact with it, and learn.

Ranging from arts and crafts to planting seeds, activities such as these will be fun for both adults and kids alike, especially when the sun is out and the birds are chirping away.

1. Make your own plant pots

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Turning gardening into a fun activity can often require creativity as a means for getting children excited about being outdoors.

Custom plant pots are a great activity for kids to engage with the garden in a way that feels personal to them, allowing them to leave their own mark on the soil.

Crafting your own plant pot can be a simple job, and only requires a plain pot, some paints and maybe some bells-and-whistles for them to make it their own.

Sit down with your child, even paint your own whilst your at it, and talk about what plants they want to grow in their own pot.

You can add names to the pots, faces, googly eyes, or paint patterns to turn a boring plant pot into a personal object a child can really grow to care about. A nice aloe plant or similar could look great in a personalized plant pot.

2. Give your children their own garden patch

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Allowing a child to create their own plant pots is one thing, but giving a child their own plot of the garden is a great opportunity for them to get to truly turn their fingers green.

Start by asking your child to pick a patch of the garden they want to turn into their own small allotment, or even pick a patch for them.

It’s important to give them a choice with this activity, such as the size, the adornments, and the seeds being planted.

If you have created anything else with the children, such as ornaments or any of the other crafts mentioned in this article, allow them to customize their patch with them.

Make sure to check out our guide on how and when to plant a garden.

3. Grass heads

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Grass heads can be a quirky, yet easy activity for kids in the garden or even indoors. You will need some materials; tights, a plant pot, grass seed, soil, and some googly eyes.

Place the soil in the tights and let your child plant the grass seeds, glue some eyes on the pot, and keep it watered.

Over time the grass will sprout and your little anthropomorphic pot will spring to life with its own hairstyle. Your plant people can be maintained with regular haircuts and accessories.

4. Paper garden gnomes

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Recycling should play a big part in gardening, and reusing old materials can be a fun craft for kids to get involved with. Garden gnomes are a great way of turning old cardboard tubes into adorable guards for your garden.

Make sure to keep any tube rolls you have lying around, and get your kid to work with some paint and paper, creating their own cardboard friends. Unicorns, fairies, and soldiers can be other options for your kid to explore.

5. Pet rocks

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Not everyone wants a dog or cat running around, but you can still give your kids a loveable, messless pet in the form of a rock.

Grab the google eyes and paint again, and let your kid turn pebbles into a loveable stone friend, giving them a name and a home in the garden.

Or you can simply get creative and turn rocks into art by adding personalized touches or names to them.

6. Fairy houses

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Fairy houses can be an excellent DIY garden activity to get your kids excited and their imaginations rolling, as well as making an adorable garden feature.

Your kid’s creativity is truly the limit with these little dens and can be made with anything from old plastic bottles to broken plant pots.

Go wild with the materials you use and give your kids an imaginative piece of art they can constantly check on.

7. Pinwheels

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A simple, but easy activity for your kids, creating pinwheels can be a fun way for kids to decorate the garden.

Start by having your children look around the garden for suitable twigs they can use, or use any small wooden sticks you have already.

Get your paper at the ready, some pens and paints, and create your own little pinwheels to stick around the garden.

8. Egg box planter

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If space outside is limited, why not try out some indoor garden activities?

Egg boxes can be a great option for bringing the outdoors inside, with the likes of cress, lemon and even cactus seeds being viable candidates for your makeshift flower bed.

Give them a quick paint if you want a touch of creative flair, and voila you and your kids have their own indoor allotment.

9. Suncatchers

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Suncatchers look beautiful on a sunny day and can be a great activity to get your kid’s creativity flowing.

These can be made with all sorts of materials, including sticky back plastic, crayons, paper, and beads. Give your kids the options and see what they create, then let your kids find a place to hang them.

10. Windchimes

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DIY wind chimes can be a simple and effective use of recyclable materials. You can use the likes of old tins and string to create fun and quirky windchimes that clatter on gusty days.

A lick of paint, some glue, and an assortment of beads and paper can make old junk into something your kids will love.

11. Time capsule

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If you have a small soil patch in your garden, then why not dedicate it to a sentimental collection of things you can look at fondly?

A time capsule can be a great way to reuse old tins and jars, all whilst allowing your children to pick the things they love and want to include.

Everything from drawings, photos, and letters to their future selves can be beautiful mementos in years to come.

12. Scavenger hunt

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If you are looking for a way to teach kids about the outdoors, then a scavenger hunt may be a good way to get your kids sifting through the foliage.

Sit down with your children and craft out a small checklist of things to find and identify. Have them look for everything from bugs, plants, and twigs.

This will give them some imaginative exploration and provide them with a chance to truly see what lurks around the garden.

13. Bird feeders

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DIY bird feeders are an easy activity for kids to create a garden feature that will get the birds chirping.

A quick craft that can be made with something as simple as string and cheerios, or you can make this more involved by filling an old bottle with seed and creating a small chute for the birds to feast from.

Not only will this give your kids something fun to create, but it will also bring more birds to your yard.

14. Birdbaths

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Once your kids have had fun making bird feeders, you could also help them make their own birdbath.

These are a good option for creativity as you can use a plethora of old or new materials to create the ultimate bird recreation center in your own backyard.

The likes of old bowls, pots, and ornaments are great for this fun craft, and its something you can let your kids go wild with.

15. Hanging planters

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Hanging planters can be a great way to spruce up your garden, add some plant variety and also provide an easy activity for kids.

These can be made with many materials, or even recycled goods such as bottles or tins. Make sure to use enough string to hold the soil and water that will be used.

16. Chalk paint

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Those with a nice patio in their garden might not like the idea of children creating their own murals on the ground, but with chalk paint, there is no need to fuss.

Chalk paint can be bought at most home and garden stores amongst many other options and will give your kids hours of fun with messy, but washable easy craft for kids.

17. Sunflower house

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Sunflowers are fantastic as they can grow straight up in a very specific location, this means you can create a small den or fenced off area using only beautiful yellow flowers.

Plant a small patch of sunflowers and use them to create some walls that your kids can sit and play in once the flowers grow to full size. Not only is this a beautiful, creative idea for a kid’s play area, but it’ll also fit in nicely in any garden.

Learn more about sunflowers and other plants in our guide to garden plants!

What are Your Favorite Garden Crafts for Kids?

With summer fast approaching, there has never been a better time to get your children involved with gardening.

The activities listed here are just the beginning, and will no doubt help forge a bond between your kids and the joys of being in the garden.

If you’re looking for more information on general gardening to keep your foliage in tip-top shape, then why not look through our website for all sorts of tips and tutorials.

17 Fun Garden Crafts The Kids Will Love (2024)
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