10 Best Short Yoga Games for Kids and Teens (2024)

April 7, 2020April 7, 2020| Kids Yoga FunKids Yoga Fun| 0 Comment | 1:52 pm


  • Yoga Games

Every yoga teacher needsa few good yoga gameswhen teaching classes for kids. Here is a list of fun yoga games for you which take only five to ten minutes and are great to use at the beginning of class as a warm-up, during the last few minutes if you still have time, or if attention spans are short. These games are also great as you need almost no materials or only one. Besides, you do not need to prepare before the class. Just keep these games in your mind and have fun of them whenever you play!

1-Don’t Ring the Bell Yoga Game:

10 Best Short Yoga Games for Kids and Teens (1)

Materials Needed: A bell

It is a fun game, increasing kids’ concentration in a silent way and soothing their minds.

Game Proceedings:

  • Please note that the children usually want to ring the bell. You may let them ring the bell first before the game begins.
  • Sit in a circle and take a handbell.
  • Remember that not to ring the bell is the goal of the game.
  • Stand up slowly and carefully.
  • Take the bell to your friend sitting directly across from you. Walk silently and give the bell to him/her.
  • Keep playing until everyone carries the bell at least once.
  • By the way, you can remind children to focus on their breathing.

2-Slithering Snakes Yoga Game:

Game Proceedings:

  • The children lie on their tummies in a circle, in cobra pose first.
  • Then, they hold each other’s ankles.
  • They begin to crawl like a snake on the ground, hissing.
  • It is a more difficult game than it seems.

3-Down Dog Tunnel Yoga Game:

10 Best Short Yoga Games for Kids and Teens (2)

Game Proceedings:

  • The children go to down dog pose next to each other so that a tunnel will be formed.
  • In turn, every child goes through the tunnel.
  • Then, the child who goes through the tunnel, again switches to downward facing dog as a part of the tunnel.
  • You can play this game as far as they are tired of downward facing dog pose.

4-Pass the Block Yoga Game:

Materials Needed: A yoga block

Game Proceedings:

  • The children can lie in a circle or one after another.
  • Lying back, we bend our knees up and press our hands down by our sides. We bounce up our legs, using our hands to steady our backs.
  • Then let our legs tip all the way up and over our head into the plough (halasana) pose.
  • But this time, in plough pose, the child will have a yoga block in between his/her feet.
  • And the child will pass the block to his/her friend’s feet.
  • As a suggestion, a foam block is better as it is softer and lighter.

5-Ball under the Bridge Yoga Game:

Materials Needed: A ball

Game Proceedings:

  • Sitting on our bottoms, with our knees bent, feet flat and hands behind us – fingers pointing towards your bottom. Press into your feet and lift your hips up to the sky making a bridge.
  • All the bridges stand next to one another making a longer bridge.
  • Give a plastic ball to the child at the very beginning of the bridge.
  • Let him/her roll the ball under the bridge with one of his/her arms so that the bridge will stand on three legs.

6-Crabs Cleaning up the Beach Yoga Game:

Materials Needed: Some small toys and a basket

Game Proceedings:

  • Scatter the small toys all around the room.
  • Let the children come into the crab/bridge pose.
  • Imagine that the toys are litters, scattered all around the beach and the crabs are good creatures cleaning up the beach.
  • The crabs will put the litters/toys onto their tummies by using only one hand.
  • Then they will walk sideways just like crabs to put the toys into the basket in the corner of the room.

7-Backward Horse Yoga Game:

Materials Needed: A ball

Game Proceedings:

  • Stand in a circle or make a line one after another.
  • One knee down, one knee up come into the horse pose.
  • Lift your hands above your head with a ball in your hands.
  • Pass the ball to the person behind you by bending backwards.

8-Family of Elephants Yoga Game:

  • Make a line one after another.
  • Stand with your legs out wide.
  • Give one of your hands to your friend behind you through your legs.
  • Give your other hand to your friend in front of you through his/her legs this time.
  • Your hand in the front will be your trunk and your hand behind will be your small elephant tail.
  • Keep walking with a slightly bending forward and making a huge elephant trumpet sound.

Game Proceedings:

9-Crawling Baby Goats Yoga Game:

Game Proceedings:

  • Place your hands and knees on the floor.
  • Make a line in tabletop position one after another.
  • Pretend that you have built a long bridge.
  • Then, one child goes under the bridge, crawling.
  • At the end of the bridge, he switches to tabletop position as a part of the bridge.
  • Every child goes under the bridge.
  • Remember to bleat like a goat while crawling.

10-Rolling Ball Yoga Game:

Materials Needed: A ball

Game Proceedings:

  • Children lie down on their tummies in a circle with no space between them.
  • Stretching the arms out in front, give a ball to one of the children.
  • Children constantly hit the ball on the ground without holding the ball in their hands or throwing it out of the air.
  • Keeping track of where the ball is going to roll and being ready all the time requires mindfulness.

If you have plenty of time to play yoga games, check out these games: 23 best yoga games.

Or you may prefer to spend your last 5-10 minutes with some partner yoga poses for kids.

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10 Best Short Yoga Games for Kids and Teens (2024)
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